Chairman Retires – AGM to seek popular transition.
Alec Grant writes: 17th January 2025
“I have sent the following email to the Church Crookham and Fleet Garden Society committee.
Having spent a number of years in the post of Chairman, which unexpectedly included ensuring the society kept trading throughout the pandemic, I now feel the time is right for me to stand aside and step down from the committee.
During the last two years, new committee members have come forward and have clearly demonstrated that they have the enthusiasm, drive and commitment necessary to evolve the society and take it forward into what I am confident will be a successful future.
Helen Howard has put herself forward for the now vacant role of chairperson, and I trust this will be ratified at the forthcoming AGM. Assuming this is the case, Helen has my best wishes and full support.
Unfortunately, I will be unable to attend the AGM as my granddaughter is getting married in Taunton that day before emigrating to Australia later in the year. Please pass on my thanks and best wishes to all those present.
I would like to give a special thank you to our secretary Liz Kirton, who is convalescing following hip surgery, having been a committee member from Terry Eggerton’s time. I wish Liz well with her recovery and thank her for the support she has given to me as chairman.
I would also like to thank all extant and previous committee members, members and volunteers who have made the society what it is today”.
Best Wishes
Alec Grant