September 2023

Now is a good time to look around your garden, taking photographs to remind you of both the triumphs and the disasters; for example, the Crocosmias and Echinops in my herbaceous border fell over in July and crushed all beneath, so I need to move them in October to somewhere less shady (or give more support!).

The year is far from over and chrysanthemums, asters and dahlias will go on flowering so long as you feed and dead-head them. Beans, sweetcorn and main potatoes can be harvested, but leave pumpkins and squashes on the plant to ripen.

I grow Autumn raspberries which go on cropping into October and, of course, apples and pears can be harvested and stored somewhere cool and frost-free as soon as they pick easily when you lift and turn.

I am going to take cuttings of my favourite fuchsias, pelargoniums and penstemons to overwinter under cover.  If I lifted the whole plants, there would be no room in the house or greenhouse! Collect seeds from other plants and dry them before storing in labelled paper envelopes (or swapping with friends).

September is also a time to start planting – daffodils need to go in now but tulips can wait until November.

Onions and shallots can be planted for overwintering.

Don’t forget to protect Brassicas from pigeons!

Floral Art
1st November 10:00 – 12:00 at Crookham Village WI Hall:  Eco-friendly flower arrangement in a pumpkin.
6th December 10:00 – 12:00 at the WI hall: Wreath making
contact Caroline Morris for further details:
Trading Shed opening extended until 21st October
There will be plants looking for good homes on all three weekends.

If your lawn is your pride and joy, then give it an Autumn feed (low nitrogen reduces soft growth and strengthens roots), scarify and aerate

To give a tidy outline for the Winter, clip deciduous hedges and give a second clip to the soft growth of cypress and yew.

This is the time many gardeners net their ponds to prevent leaves getting in, although one needs to consider wildlife access when doing so.

Here are some dates of interest (open for the National Garden Scheme

  • 2nd September Bumpers, Long Sutton RG29 1SJ (Helen’s charity plant stall here)
  • 3rd September Blounce House, South Warnborough RG29 1RX
  • 10th September Bramdean House near Alresford.
  • 10th September 11 Hillary Road, Farnham GU9 8QY

9th September Church Crookham Allotments Show