CCFGSoC member, Mike Coleman reports from the Allotments

I think everyone who enjoys gardening would say 2024 has been a very difficult year for growing vegetables. A wet spring followed by overcast skies throughout the summer months have delayed the growth of plants and given rise to active molluscs which have decimated green leaf crops. Having said that certain root crops like potatoes and beetroot have performed particularly well although it did necessitate putting out beer traps early on in the year. What did grow particularly well on the allotment I hear you ask? Elephant garlic, onions, borlotti beans, swiss chard, sweet peas and tromboncino squash.
This year I tried something new with regards to the growing of the squash. I built a tower out of bamboo which served as a form of scaffolding to support the heavy fruits when they are formed. Not only does it keep the squash away from hungry predators living in the soil but it also allows the fruit to grow relatively straight.