Sadly, the 2021 AGM and quiz scheduled for the 26th February cannot go ahead ‘in the flesh’, but we are holding a ‘Zoom’ videoconference AGM on 26th Feb 7.30pm. If you are interested in joining in, please let Liz Kirton know and you will be sent the joining online address. If you wish to submit a resolution, let us know and it can be added to the agenda. If you do not wish to zoom, but have a contribution to make, the secretary can act as a proxy. Zoom is an easy-to-use videoconference platform, requires a laptop, PC or mobile phone. It is free and our website manager says “Zoom is one of the best designed communications tools ever. You can even join from a land-line ‘phone via a freefone call.”
The Spring Show, scheduled for the 27th March, is also cancelled owing to COVID restrictions.
It is unlikely that the Summer Show will be possible – we shall see. Perhaps members would like to send photographs of their produce instead.
The trading shed will operate from 13th February on the same basis as last summer; i.e. ordering by text, having timed appointments or delivery.
Here are pictures from 2019 Spring Show

Winning cactus

Container with growing spring flowers