26th October 2024 Members’ Wisley Visit
Group visit to RHS Wisley Gardens (entry FREE for CCFGSoc members) Saturday 26th October 2024. Promises to be a great day out. Offer open to all Church Crookham and Fleet Garden Society members. Opportunity to include non-members. Limited number of free tickets, so...
Latest News
Kevin Ahronson
Following on from last year‘s successful talks, CCGS will have the pleasure of Kevin Ahronson‘s company as he talks about his life in photography. Kevin is a professional international photographer living and teaching in Fleet as founder / director of the highly...
Latest News from the Society – 2023
2023 Latest News Trading Hut Open Saturdays 10 -11.30 am 11th February to 30th September Memorial Hall Car Park, Sandy Lane GU52 8LD PLANT SALES AND ADVICE most weekends AGM, SOCIAL EVENING & QUIZ – free to members / £3 non-members FRIDAY 24th February 2023 at...
Jim Buttress – Superintendent of the Royal Parks
Monday the 14th November at 7:15pm Dear members, We are delighted to host Jim Buttress at the WI Hall in Crookham Village on Monday the 14th November at 7:15pm for a 7:30pm start. You will see from the poster that Jim was Superintendent of the Royal Parks together...
Trading Shed Open on 29th October
The trading shed opened for the last session of 2022 on Saturday 29th October. It's now closed until February 11th 2023. Plants were donated to the Community Project for Crookham Infants School, who are refurbishing their containers in the grounds. Have you renewed...
Latest Hints & Tips
April Hints and Tips
2022 - The beginning of April - cold and snow! I’m wondering what the spring and summer will offer. However, I can see buds fattening on apples, pears, azaleas and magnolias and the earliest Prunus trees and Camellias are in flower. The main show for...
March Hints and Tips
Hints and Tips for gardeners in March 2022.
March is one of the busiest months for gardeners. The days are getting longer and the soil starts to warm, but you still have to watch out for frosts. Underground, the infra-red light that penetrates below the surface triggers growth and germination.
February Hints and Tips
Welcome to the start of the growing year, when seeds can be sown, potatoes prepared by chitting, and the first flowers: daffodils, snowdrops, primroses, winter aconites and pulmonarias show some colour. February involves pruning many late flowering shrubs to encourage...
January 2022 Gardening Tips
Liz Kirton writes : On the last day of December 2021, on a quick stroll round my garden, I found that even in the 'deep mid-winter' there are flowers to appreciate:- witch hazels, both red and yellow unfurling their petals, Iris unguicularis adding their beautiful...
Welcome to Church Crookham and Fleet Garden Society
A vibrant garden society active in Fleet and Church Crookham, Hampshire. We hold several annual events and shows and run a comprehensively stocked stores hut with discounts for members.