May – June Talks
Liz Kirton writes... We have two upcoming talks at the Crookham Village WI Hall. GU51 5SJ 7pm for 7.30pm start. 20th May - Fuchsias with Carol Gubler from Little Brook Fuchsias. Carol is author of "A Practical Step-by-Step Guide to Fuchsias" and trustee of the British...
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Trading Shed News
February Hints and Tips
Welcome to the start of the growing year, when seeds can be sown, potatoes prepared by chitting, and the first flowers: daffodils, snowdrops, primroses, winter aconites and pulmonarias show some colour. February involves pruning many late flowering shrubs to encourage...
Summer Show 2021 Report
The 2021 Church Crookham Garden Society Summer Show was a success.
Summer Show 21st August
CHURCH CROOKHAM GARDEN SOCIETY There was no show in 2020, but we very much hope to run one this year. ANNUAL SHOW 2021 SATURDAY 21st AUGUST CROOKHAM MEMORIAL HALL, CHURCH CROOKHAM New members and show visitors welcome Admission Free Click here for the Show schedule...
Latest Hints & Tips
November Hints and Tips
After this year’s vagaries of temperature and rainfall, plants have become confused and some are flowering now when they should flower in spring; e.g. the apple blossom at RHS Wisley (not to mention witch hazel and irises in my garden). It is now worth considering the...
Hints and Tips for October 2020
October will probably bring the first frosts and they will precipitate colour change, leaf fall and the sound of blowers that will reverberate in the neighbourhood! So long as the leaves are disease-free, they can be collected, and will decay to form leaf...
September gardening advice
Autumn is early here this year. Leaves dropping, berries ripening and apples ready to pick in August. Although the apple crop is heavy this year, potatoes, beans and sweetcorn have not flourished for me in dry, hot, wet, cool fluctuating conditions. There are still...
Tips for July and August
Tips for July and August 2020, writes Elizabeth Kirton : All that planning and preparation is worth it in July and August. Now you can harvest raspberries, currants, gooseberries and freeze any surplus to cheer up winter menus. By the end of August, the apple and...
Welcome to Church Crookham and Fleet Garden Society
A vibrant garden society active in Fleet and Church Crookham, Hampshire. We hold several annual events and shows and run a comprehensively stocked stores hut with discounts for members.