Visit Hampshire Gardens

Visit Hampshire Gardens

Gardens in Hampshire From the "Visit Hampshire web-site. You’ll find a stunning selection of gardens in Hampshire. The county’s gardens are associated with some of the great names in gardening history, from the Rothschilds' azaleas, rhododendrons and camellias at...

Latest News

Wisley Visit 2024

Wisley Visit 2024

A popular annual event for members is a visit to Wisley.This trip normally free for paid up Church Crookham and Fleet Garden Society members. Cost of entry for non members is currently £18.50 for adults and £8.25 for children so it's worth joining the society, which...

Trading Hut Sale

Trading Hut Sale

Church Crookham & Fleet Garden Society 2023 End of Season Sale at the Trading Hut : up to 60% off   Natural Organic Manure £4.40 80 litre bags Ideal for mulching Miracle Grow 1.2 kg - was £29.20 now reduced to £25.50 All-purpose soluble plant food. Chempac 2...

Summer Show 2023

Summer Show 2023

Church Crookham and Fleet Garden Society holds its Summer show on Saturday 19th August 2023. A schedule of the classes and full details of the event are available in the show guide (pdf). Click on illustration to view or download. New members and show visitors very...

March 2023 Hints and Tips

March 2023 Hints and Tips

2023 What a winter for frost!  My greenhouse and garden have been devastated;  many plants (old friends) have perished.  Still, I should see it as an opportunity to plant different things. March is one of the busiest months for gardeners. The days...

Latest Hints & Tips

Hints and Tips for September

Autumn is early here this year.  Leaves dropping, berries ripening and apples ready to pick in August.  Although the apple crop is heavy this year, potatoes, beans and sweetcorn have not flourished for me in dry, hot conditions. There are still the asters,...

Hints and Tips for July – August 2022

Liz Kirton writes: Gardening is a hobby that can bring great joy! In June I have seen a wonderful display of irises, rambling roses and poppies – beautiful!  BUT I have been much saddened by disease in the onion bed and box moth destroying my 20 year old box hedges....

June gardening Tips

There are jobs that must be done in hope of kind weather continuing… Here are some suggestions: Ornamental garden Gently remove spent flowers from Camellia and rhododendrons to make room for the leaf buds emerging behind. You can also trim back overgrown shoots to...

May 2022 gardening Tips

This year, April and March seemed to swap places in terms of weather, so Magnolias and Camellias were in peak bloom and then ‘browned off’ by frost in my garden. The daffodils, primroses and hyacinths have been more resilient and given a very good show. Everything...

Welcome to Church Crookham and Fleet Garden Society

A vibrant garden society active in Fleet and Church Crookham, Hampshire. We hold several annual events and shows and run a comprehensively stocked stores hut with discounts for members.

Church Crookham, Hampshire
Mar 14, 2025
temperature icon 8°C
broken clouds
Humidity 70 %
Pressure 1012 hPa
Wind 8 Km/h
Wind Gust Wind Gust: 21 Km/h
Clouds Clouds: 67%
Sunrise Sunrise: 6:16 am
Sunset Sunset: 6:02 pm

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